Robertson Languages > Business > Move your people, remove the risk

Move your people, remove the risk

Mar 08 in Business, Localisation, Relocation

Relocating team members can be an extremely daunting time for the individual and their family. RLI can assist in this process by enabling them to communicate confidently in the new country.

Language training for relocation would help make the process much smoother and easier for the employee and their family.

Offering language learning for relocation to the employee and their family members can help them to deal with many aspects of the relocation process including arranging a visa, sorting insurance, banking, schools, colleges, universities and local area orientation.

RLI provides tailored business relocation language training courses for individuals, classes can be on a weekly or intensive basis.

We provide training in many different languages with a choice of individual or group classes. Delegates and their families can book onto a course which can include, for example, etiquette and business language for the employee and language for every-day situations for the family.

Moreover, we discuss the requirements of each delegate individually in order to design a course to meet their needs. Where possible, we try to match the delegate with a tutor who has experience of the industry the delegate works in and who speaks the first language of the delegate.

Please contact us to find out more….


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